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BTC approaching a significant EP!

Updated: Jan 19

[NOTE: This piece was posted ~ 2 weeks before the 11/2021 ATH.]

We are of the opinion that BTC is approaching a very significant EP. 

Elliott Wave

From an EW perspective, our current preferred count is that we are at the top of a wave B (making a double top).  If that is correct, 5 waves down into a wave C is at hand.  (Forgive the misspelling of ‘preferred’ in the picture).

elliott wave ABC finishing up
This count strongly suggests that a major turn is approaching

Energy Points

There are a huge number of energy points lining up in the next several days.  To name a few:

  • 10/31/2021 is 13 years (Fibonacci) since the BTC White Paper

  • Saturn has moved 90 degrees since the 12/2017 high.

There are MANY others, but I think the 2 examples listed above are enough to demonstrate the significance of the timeframe we are in.

It is quite possible that our wave count is wrong of course.  We are considering a short from 63,300 with a stop above the high. 

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