Donald Trump will no doubt go down in history as a rather extraordinary man. He has achieved levels of fame and success only dreamed of by most men of his time. I don’t think even his fiercest critics will deny this. Yet, amidst his fame and success lies contradictory elements which underline and critique almost all his most notable accomplishments.
He is married to a beautiful woman who was once a model, and could be still, if she so chose. However, it is easy to forget that he has suffered a number of failed marriages, and hence we can say that the man has a larger than average number of failures in this department.
He is also looked upon as a successful businessman. Indeed, any man worth as much money as he has accumulated must be admired. However here again there is a glaring contradiction. The man inherited his fortune from a successful father, and proceeded to go bankrupt on a number of occasions. He seems to have mastered the art of gaming the bankruptcy court. This does not necessarily translate into being a great businessman. It implies more that he is adept at conning/gaming the system. While this could also be considered a ‘skill’, it is not nearly as noble.
He is also quite a showman. He has had several roles in film and TV and has demonstrated an ability to perform to the public. This skill paid handsome dividends during his campaigns as he entertains the crowds at his many rallies. While this skill allows many actors to earn a substantial income and celebrity, few would argue that a good acting skills is the same as being a good neighbor, statesman or president.
This brings us to the present. Donald Trump was the 45th President of the United States. He was elected in large part due to all the ‘skills’ listed above. He was successfully portrayed as a successful businessman, exceptional speaker/entertainer, with a strong family. He ran as a populist promising to ‘lock her up’ and to ‘drain the swamp’. That was a message that was well received by a large section of the US public. But, did he actually drain the swamp? Did he lock her (Hillary) up? He delivered on neither of these things.
45th President
From very early on there were indications that the 45th’s administration was not as it was promised to be. Donald Trump had pledged to drain the swamp, but he fully staffed his administration with swamp creatures. The man who campaigned on a promise to get America out of the endless wars, actually hired John Bolton, who EVERYONE knew to be a sociopath who never saw a war he didn’t like. There are MANY other examples, but this one alone should suffice to say that there were early indications that Donald Trump was not serious about draining the swamp. Nor was he serious about his end-the-wars rhetoric.
This rather huge tactical error came back to haunt him at the end of his presidency when all the swamp creatures he hired stabbed him in the back repeatedly. While this was despicable of them, it made it very clear that Donald Trump was not just a dishonest campaigner, making promises he never intended to keep, but also he is a very bad judge of character. He surrounded himself with people who hated everything he stood for. It seems he believed that he would be able to ‘game the (political) system’ as he had gamed the bankruptcy courts. This proved to be a career-ending flaw in his character.
Donald Trump seems to have had his world-view factually distorted by the many Israel-first Zionists in his administration and his own family. One of his primary advisors was his son-in-law (Jared Kushner). Kushner was just one of a number of Zionists who have married into his family. It seems that Zionists successfully married into his family, either for his money, or perhaps because they knew that he would one day be ushered into the White House (?).
In any case, Donald Trump did more for Israel than he did for America. He abandoned all pretense of being an honest broker between Israel and Palestine. He moved the embassy to Jerusalem, which is technically not an Israeli city. There was a very good reason that no other president had ever done that.1 By moving the US embassy there, he gave support to the lie that Jerusalem belongs to Israel.
He advocated recognizing Israeli dominion over the Golan Heights (Syrian land). He put US troops in charge of Syrian oil fields to weaken Syria (an Israeli foe). There are many other examples which could be listed here. These few should suffice. He gave Israel just about everything they asked for, with the exception of a US war with Iran. He did however commit the crime of assassinating an Iranian general. I guess that wasn't enough for the jews who ran him. Failing to send white US boys to die in Iran may have been why the jews withdrew all support for him at the end, when he needed their support the most.
Putting aside the corrosive issue of jewish occupation of his administration, we finally need to address the final issue, for which Donald Trump will ultimately be remembered – the 2020 election.
2020 Election
Donald Trump apparently understood that the Deep State had used fraudulent means to steal elections in at least 2016 and 2018. As a result of that insight he signed an executive order in 2018 for the express purpose of being able to catch, jail, and bankrupt these conspirators when/if they attempted to again steal an election in 2020. Donald Trump fully prepared himself in advance. On November 3, 2020, he had the legal and lawful means to arrest, jail and bankrupt each and every person and corporate entity that was part of the despicable conspiracy to steal the Republic.
In truth, Donald Trump was remarkable for having prepared in advance as he had. It was quite astute of him. He was even sitting in a secure location monitoring the steal in real-time on November 3. He saw the voting machines sending data to Germany, Spain and perhaps elsewhere. He recovered the nefarious servers in Germany and perhaps others as well. He had NSA records of every email, every text message sent by each and every conspirator as they made their plans. He had ample evidence needed to bury all of them.
As he said early in November 2020: “We caught them… Let’s see what happens…" So, what happened next? The short answer is “Nothing”. The question that may never be adequately answered is: “Why not?”
What is known with certainty is that Donald Trump made the fatal mistake of delay. Rather than declare an insurrection and make hundreds of arrests (as his 2018 Executive Order allowed), seize the assets of many very wealthy conspirators such as Dorsey, Cook, Soros, et al, Donald Trump opted to do nothing but talk. He spoke constantly of the steal. He went on TV to make accusations of the steal. He promised his supporters that he would never quit.
But suddenly it was early December, and he was still doing nothing but talking. His lawyers were drafting lawsuits which would never be presented in court. The question of why not a single court was willing to hear a single case on such a compelling matter is too large for this discussion here. Suffice to say however, when even SCOTUS abdicated their constitutional responsibility it was clear to all but the most willfully blind that the US courts were hopelessly corrupt and/or intimidated.
The Deep State knew from the start most, if not all, of Donald Trump’s options. They knew he would first turn to the courts. They had 4 years to blackmail, bribe, and intimidate every judge in each of the swing states. By November 3, the Deep State ‘owned’ the courts. They were not worried about the courts.
Surely though, once SCOTUS failed, Donald Trump would use the tools he had so presciently prepared in advance? But he did not. He continued to talk, but not act, even as the hope for a judicial solution was dashed by mid-December 2020.
Retired Generals began openly calling upon Donald Trump to utilize the military. Tens of millions of Americans knew of the 2018 EO that was written for this one purpose and were expecting Donald Trump to use it. Active and retired military officers were waiting for the order.
In early November, a rapid and easy victory was assured. The usage of the insurrection act alone could have had the mess cleaned up in a week. Each of the hacked Dominion servers could have been seized, and quick replacement elections supervised by the military with paper ballots in the swing states would have been finished within 10 days or less. Hundreds of thousands of armed men across the country (the militia) were waiting to be called upon to start making citizen arrests. But the order didn’t come. But suddenly it was almost Christmas. The longer Donald Trump hesitated, the weaker he became.
Each day Donald Trump hesitated was a day the Deep State was actively subverting his remaining options. While Donald Trump dithered in November the Deep State was putting each and every judge on notice that they would be severely punished if they allowed a case to be heard. The judges do not have the resources, or the security forces, to fight off the Deep State. Unlike Donald Trump, they do not live in the White House with secret service protection. They needed to know that Trump had their back if they were to risk not just their careers but their lives to do the right thing. But they never got that assurance.
By mid-December the court solution was clearly dead, so now the Deep State was free to focus their attention on those members of congress (including Vice President Pence) who might provide Donald Trump some recourse on January 6. Many/most republican senators and congressmen were successfully neutered, but a few notable men and women were resolute, so the Deep State planned the January 6 takeover of the congress just in case, with the intent to blame it on Donald Trump. The plan worked like a charm.
Donald Trump had wasted so much time. After January 6, the courts and the congress were both rendered ineffective. At that point the Deep State focused its entire attention on the military. By that time, the military as much easier to handle. After the corrupted congress had accepted Biden’s slate of electoral votes, giving weight to the illusion that Biden was a legitimate commander-in-chief, it was MUCH easier to coerce the military to stand down than it would have been in early November.
It is rumored that the military refused Donald Trump’s orders to arrest everyone on January 20. If true, that makes a bit of sense, as Donald Trump’s losses by that time would have made January 20 arrests look rather absurd to all but the most fervent Donald Trump supporters. The time for Trump to use the military was in early November, or by mid-December when SCOTUS failed, at the very latest.
For 4 years we kept hearing that the military would intervene at some future date, that Trump was some sort of secret president, that white hats were in control, etc. This was complete rubbish – hopium to keep patriots pacified and dormant. If the military was going to act, they would have acted before January 20. (It’s notable that the Myanmar military has since demonstrated to the US military what they should have done.2 But this is water under the bridge now.)
So, why did Donald Trump fail to act, when he had the law, tools, military, and population all on his side? Again, we may never know for a certainty. However, here a few items of note:
He was surrounded by the Deep State and jews who hated him, including his son-in-law. They were giving him terrible advice all day, every day. He foolishly appointed Deep State actors to cabinet positions. The jews who married into his circle were VERY cunning. They planted themselves in his family years in advance, to take advantage of his wealth, celebrity, and perhaps even inside knowledge that he would one day be POTUS.
Donald Trump made a very interesting phone call to Georgia Secretary of State Raffenberger (the Rat) in late December. (The Rat leaked the call to the press so we were able to read the transcript of the call.) In the call, Donald Trump was negotiating with the Rat for 11,800 votes. Just enough to give him the state. This is well-known. But overlooked is that he was negotiating from a position of weakness (he was literally BEGGING - on his knees). Also, he was begging before a man that Donald Trump knew to be a traitor and a criminal conspirator. Why, in December, was Donald Trump reduced to being a beggar? Donald Trump could EASILY have given the order for the Rat to be arrested and tried for treason at Gitmo. But he didn’t do that. Instead, he begged. At one point during the call, Donald Trump said something VERY telling. He said: “I don’t want to burn everything down…”. And that, in my opinion, was his problem all along.
Donald Trump campaigned for office promising to drain the swamp, lock her up, etc. But in the end, he really did not want to do any of that. He didn't want to "burn anything down". He wanted to make only a few minor changes at the margin. He did not have the stomach for the radical change that he campaigned on.
In the end, he was (perhaps) well-meaning, but he was weak - he was a coward. He could have gone down in history alongside men such as Washington, Lincoln, Jackson, Jefferson, etc. Instead, he will be remembered like Herbert Hoover, who wrote in his memoirs that he had “betrayed his nation”3.
Donald Trump will be remembered as the man who knowingly delivered the office of the US President to a senile man who gained office by flagrant and wholesale vote fraud, extortion, blackmail, and threats of violence.
Anyone think George Washington would have done that? Not me.
1 When the UN oversaw the creation of Israel in 1948 they expressly mandated that Jersualem be not an Israeli city a universal city, as it is the birthplace of Islam, Judaism, and Christianity.
2 In early Feb 2021 the Myanmar election was as fraudulent as the US 2020 election. The Myanmar military stepped in to force a new, honest election.
3 Herbert Hoover regretted that he had allowed the formation of the Federal Reserve, which would in the end bankrupt the nation.