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MMS – Chlorine Dioxide — a miraculous substance

Updated: Jan 12, 2024

I have long been of the opinion that the medical establishment is either incompetent or evil.  Why do I say that?  Because I cannot accept that after 50 years and hundreds of billions of dollars poured into all manner of research, not a single disease has been cured.  None.  That is virtually impossible, unless the point was to never actually find a cure, but instead to fund endless, pointless, research.

I realized that the medical industry exists to manage pain and ensure that the underlying diseases never actually go away.  As long as cancer exists, the medical community is guaranteed to be able to send their kids to ivy league colleges and buy mansions in the Hamptons.  The same is true for EVERY disease.  Think about it.  Virtually every single illness you can get, you are told: “There is no cure.  But we recommend you take these treatments, which will cost tens, maybe hundreds, of thousands of dollars, and may let you live a few months longer.” 

I no longer trust the medical industry for ANYTHING. I would only go to a hospital for trauma, like a broken bone or the need for stitches.

Even as a college student I realized that it was extremely likely that there was a simple solution to most illnesses, that cost just pennies.  I suspected that the medical community knew exactly what that solution was, and was determined that humanity never discover the simplicity of the solution to their illnesses.  I imagined the miracle cure might be a flower, or a common weed growing along the highway or in our backyard.

So when I read about MMS many years ago, I was intrigued though I did not pursue it.  A few years later I came down with type 2 diabetes and used it.  I treated myself with it and was pleased with the results.  I wouldn’t say it “cured” me, as my blood sugar was/is still a bit elevated, but I saw a huge improvement.   After that though, with the exception of making a small batch if anyone in the house seemed to be getting a cold, it sat pretty much unused for the next year or two.

Then it happened that my then 1 year old daughter began to show clear signs that she was on the autism spectrum.  She had been born via caesarian and had been breastfed for only 5-6 months before my wife began to lose her milk production, so we moved our daughter to “formula”.  A few months later she became constipated, culminating in a rather serious case of being unable pass her stool because it was simply too big and too hard, to pass through her anus.  Fortunately, my wife and I were able to assist her in getting through that situation without complications.   She became constipated a few more times in the following months.  Later we came to look at that time as the beginning of her change.  I understand now that there is some link between autism and problems in the intestinal tract.

Amanda began walking ~ 1 year, and at the time she seemed to be a normally developing child.  But around that time we noticed changes.  She would wake at odd hours, and begin rocking in her crib.  She would get these odd moments of being completely spaced out.  She began walking around the house clenching and unclenching her fists constantly.  Then we noticed that she NEVER responded to being called.  We actually began to wonder if she had become deaf.  But then we realized that she danced to music almost as soon as it was played, so we knew she could hear.

One time she was standing in front of me but looking away.  I called her name quite loudly. She jumped a bit as if startled, but she did not turn to look at me.  I did it again, even more forcefully.  The response was the same.  A third time I shouted, this time as if very angry.  Loud and sharp I called her name.  She jumped and began to cry.  BUT SHE NEVER TURNED TO LOOK AT ME.

Around 14 months my wife and I realized that she was no longer looking into our eyes, EVER.  If we tried to force it, by turning her head, or by moving ourselves to being right in her line of sight, she would immediately look away.  Friends and neighbors began to notice her behavior and would ask me if we had noticed that Amanda would not respond to being called, as if she was deaf. 

My wife and I finally realized we were looking at an autistic child.  She was ~ 1 ½ years old.  The doctors wanted to wait until she turned 3 before giving a diagnosis, but there was no way in hell I was going to let the next 1 ½ years pass before I started helping her.  Those 18 months months were too crucial.  She was supposed to be learning how to talk at this time, as well as so many other things…

I checked online testimonials to see if anyone had cured autism with MMS and was excited to see that some were reporting positive results.  I found Terri Rivera’s site and after researching a bit more decided to start treating Amanda with MMS both orally and also with enemas (every other day).

I give myself enemas every 6 months or so just as a matter of personal hygiene, so I was quite familiar with the process.  However, I was surprised that in my daughter’s case, she retained the solution in her gut for 10-15 minutes before she would pass it.  (In my case I always seem to pass it within a minute or less.)

We continued with the enemas every other day for ~ 3 months.  I was putting a few drops of MMS in her formula as well.  By the end of 3 months she had been pulled back.  She was looking us in the eyes, the fist clenching was gone, she responded to being called.  It was truly a miracle what my wife and I had witnessed. 

Amanda now seems to be developmentally AHEAD of children her age.  She was toilet trained by 2 1/2 , talking in semi-full sentence by the same age (“I see it!”  she would say.)  When we see her interacting with kids her own age she seems to be much clearer, sharper, and kinder than others.  I know you might be thinking I am saying that because I am her parent, but I assure you, that is not the case. 

In any event, my wife and I know we brought her back from the edge of a cliff.  We were very fortunate to have had MMS available in the house when we needed it.  That, coupled with our refusal to wait the extra 18 months the doctors wanted before acting didn’t just pull her off the autism spectrum, it seems to have created a situation where she is developmentally accelerated.  I’m not at all sure why that would be the case.  But regardless I thank God for MMS, and I thank the many people who shared their testimonies online, particularly Kerri Rivera and Mark Grenon. (Mark and his family are currently political prisoners for teaching people how to cure themselves with MMS.)

I urge you all to take an hour to watch this documentary about MMS, Chlorine Dioxide.



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