(This was the original announcement about the opening of GeometricThinking, preserved for posterity.)
The vision:
My vision for my upcoming trading school and “tips site” is to have two distinct groups.
The first group will be “students”. This group will have access to regularly scheduled video calls/webinars, wherein I will, over several months cover pretty much everything I have learned about geometry and trading, Gann, Elliot, Bayer, timing and astro-trading.
A video library of past webinars will naturally emerge over time, which I anticipate making available to students. At some point I foresee transcribing that video library into a book to be published.
In addition, timing tools and methodologies will be explained so that students can understand where those energy points you see on my charts come from, both on a specific coin level, and on a market-wide level. These energy points can be easily calculated by each student, though I anticipate updating a page monthly, showing all the market-wide energy points for the month ahead.
There will be a chat channel dedicated to the students. Students will have access to the second group’s (subscribers) chat channel as well.
My goal is to groom a network of traders who know what I know, in addition to what they have learned along the way by themselves. Once students have demonstrated that they understand (once they have “graduated” so to speak) they may be offered a leadership role in the organization, teaching and mentoring other students and subscribers.
Ultimately I hope to foster a “group-master-mind” that will be far better than my mind working alone. I imagine such a group of traders who “get it”, working together, will be able to crush the markets in time.
Registering into this group of students will not be dirt-cheap. But I believe it will pay for itself very quickly.
The second group, “subscribers”, will have a chat group similar to the one I currently host at slack, but it will be a paid site wherein myself (and future graduates of the trading school) will give insights to possible trading opportunities during the day. The cost to enter this chat will be reasonable. About a cup of coffee each day. A single well-timed entry or exit might make that cup of coffee seem ridiculously cheap.
I may allow subscribers to attend student classes on a per-class basis. Also, from time to time I may make an occasional class available to subscribers at no cost, to encourage subscribers to become students, as they see what they are missing.
The price of entering the trading school as a student has not been decided yet, but the current figure under consideration is $3400. We all know that a single trade can make or lose more than that. As mentioned earlier I foresee select students, upon “graduation”, being offered a role in the management of the school and/or inclusion into the group-mind I spoke of earlier. Speaking for myself, I would gladly pay that price just to get access to a group-mind like the one I hope to see emerge.
The cost to subscribe to the chat channel will likely be $40/month, with a yet-to-be-determined price to attend individual classes and webinars if desired.
Once 200 traders are enrolled as either students or subscribers, the cost will probably be raised, as 200 is about all I want to work with initially.
Feel free to message me with any questions or concerns. Looking forward to hearing from you.
My initial thoughts regarding course syllabus:
Auto Scale vs Manual Scale
Why is it important?
Gann, Bayer, Elliott, et al, thought of scale differently
Method 1
Method 2
Method 3
Tradingview Problems with scale
Fear and Greed
Must be controlled
Likely can’t be fully mastered
Best analysts still lose if emotions not controlled
Stick with the system
Well-known ratios
Fibonacci retracements in price
Fibonacci extensions in price
Fibonacci accordions in price
Fibonacci accordions in time
Fibonacci extensions in time
Harmonics and the musical octave
Mr. Andrews made $50 million using this tool
One of the most under-appreciated geometric tools
0 line is powerful
1 line is powerful
Between there, all fib ratios are strong
50% strongest
Beyond the 1 line – Extensions include square roots and fib ratios
Square root of 3 very close to 1.618. Confuses people.
Fibonacci Vortex
Vortex explained
Size, setup
2 solutions are possible
Wave59 $5000
FLA $40
Very handy for verifying Gann support
Handy for identifying end-of sideways movement
Gann Square
Squares are a function of the 1st arc
5×5 grid of squares
Angles are a function of the squares
Arcs are a function of the squares
Price wants to move to the top/bottom of the next square
Arcs “get in the way”
Angles “get in the way”
Size the setup
There are hundreds of setups in operation at each moment
“Wheels within wheels”
End of square is a time to expect reversals
Mid-square is a time to expect a reversal
Vertical of arcs is end of time for pull of arc
Arcs signal weakness and telegraph future re-test
Elliott Wave
Elliott Wave courses are available on the web
Every trader should study Elliott
5 waves up
3 waves down
5 waves up/down subdivide into 5 waves
Wave 3 is never the smallest wave
Wave 2 never goes past the start of wave 1
Wave 4 never overlaps wave 1
Waves 2 and 4 usually switch complexity
Wave 2 often ends at the end of wave 4 smaller degree
Corrective waves (2 & 4) are the hard ones to count. They get complex.
If you can identify when to expect a wave 3 and/or end of wave 5, you can be rich
Gann said time more important
Most traders focus on price
Use the Gann angles as a timer
Gann spoke of “0 line” what is that?
Use 0 on the price chart, or the top/bottom of the setup
Same tool rotated 90 degrees can be used to forecast price
Astro Trading
You must know how to do this. It works beautifully as a timing tool. I believe it was one of Gann’s many big secrets.
You don’t need to learn ‘astrology’
Square, Trine, Conjunction, Opposition
Geocentric, Heliocentric
‘Real’ Gann Squares
Gann square of 9 and 12
Hexagonal and Pentagonal squares
Gann Emblem
Bar Count and Magic Numbers
Volume Cycles
Time and price are related to each other
Can we compute “pricetime”?
Each year, month, day, and coin has a ‘number’