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Trump is coming to save us?

As of today’s date it looks like another Trump presidency is in the cards. He has won both the Iowa and New Hampshire primaries and most of the republican contenders are dropping out. Barring something like an assassination he will be the republican candidate.

As for the democratic candidate there is no way of knowing at this early date. It is very difficult to believe it will be Biden or Kamala. Newsom perhaps? Big Mike Obama? Whoever it will be, they really ought to decide soon.

And then of course we have RFK Jr as a 3rd party independent. He is doing remarkably well, and his presence in the race makes the prospect of a surprising upset rather possible, if not likely. So many questions... I have much to say about RFK Jr, but this post is about Trump, so let’s get on with it...

There remains the issue of election theft. Trump was president in 2020. He KNEW in advance that there were thieves poised to steal the election. He had the IMMENSE power of the presidency behind him and he STILL could not stop the steal. They beat him like a red-headed step-child. So it is hard to see how he can overcome the steal in 2024 when he has no state power backing him. He cried loud, like an impotent little girl after the 2020 steal but did NOTHING about it. What will he do in 2024 when it happens again? Cry louder still?

He is worshiped like the messiah by millions of otherwise rational Americans. He can do no wrong in their eyes. He broke his 2016 promise to drain the swamp? Who cares! They shout. He broke his 2016 promise to lock her up? Who cares! They shout. He broke his 2016 promise to stop the wars? Who cares! They shout. Wait a minute they say... He didn’t get us into any wars did he? Well, he had troops fighting in Syria for most of his presidency, and kept marines stationed there (to steal Syrian oil) so there’s that... Oh, and lets not forget about the crime of assassinating an Iranian general. He was BEGGING Iran to go to war over that, but they did not take the bait. So who kept us out of war with Iran? Trump, or Iran? (It was Iran.)

The point is, the MAGA crowd doesn’t care about any of this. He is their messiah and that is the end of the story. They spent the last 4 years filling their own heads with ridiculous stories of white hats coming to the rescue any day, executions of bad guys in Gitmo, devolution of power to some shadowy group of men overseeing the fake presidency of Biden, etc, etc, etc. All of this nonsense served only purpose. It kept patriots from getting off their couch and fighting back. It was a marvelously successful psyop which enabled Biden & company to strip America to the bone for 4 years without any active resistance. Brilliantly played.

By the way, if Trump really was president for the past 4 years as the cult has long suggested, he would be ineligible to run in 2024. So his 2024 candidacy proves that the stories of devolution and all that other nonsense was utter bull crap. But I doubt you will hear any such talk. None of this matters because the orange man messiah is going to run again! Happy days are here at last! He has promised to end the war between Ukraine and Russia! Yay! He has promised to stop any CBDCs. Yay! None of the Trump cult seems to remember or even care that he broke just about every campaign promise he made in 2016. He will almost certainly break every promises he makes this year as well.

Of course I know that the Trump cult will conclude that I must love Biden to write these things. I hope that those with a bit more common sense will realize that I believe Biden was a disaster of incomparable magnitude. But I also realize that Trump already showed us that he can’t be trusted to keep his promises. He already showed us he is weak and afraid to fight when it is necessary. He already showed us he will surround himself with idiots and traitors. He already showed us that he is a slave to the jews. I just can’t help but wonder if he is not being blackmailed like virtually every other big name in Washington, by the israelis. If so, what exactly do they have on him?

Trump and Epstein
Could be a coincidence, but....

Trump and his daughter on a bed
Hhmmm... Isn't that Ivanka?

We are living in strange times. We cannot count on Trump or anyone else in Washington to save us. We must save ourselves. We must save our neighbors and we must save our communities. We must recognize our enemy. We must know his face, his religion and his address. We must either start resisting/fighting back, or accept that by 2030 our children will either be dead or they will be slaves.


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