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WW3 in Real Time – part 1

I remember hearing that they were going to do a shutdown for 2 weeks to ‘flatten the curve’.  I actually posted on my chat channel that this was a horrible idea.  I suggested that the economic damage that it would inflict upon humanity would be far more detrimental than any Chinese flu would.

Even in those early days of March 2020 it was already an inflammatory topic.  There were some in the Geometric Thinking group who already felt that it would be irresponsible NOT to lock the world down.  

It wasn’t long before we were told stories every day of hospitals being overrun with dying patients, ICUs with no beds, etc.  We were inundated with endless, breathtakingly scary reporting, 24/7 on every channel.  But somehow in the midst of all that, we saw endless videos posted online wherein dozens of nurses and hospital staff posting videos of choreographed dance routines.  It seems that they had ALOT of free time on their hands.  This made no sense at all…

Apparently the flu was cured, as were a whole host of other illnesses.  No one died of anything except Covid, we were told.  In fact we started hearing that people were being admitted for gunshot wounds, motorcycle accidents, etc., but they were all dying of Covid….

Initially the President of the United States pushed back on the whole nightmare scenario.  He refused to wear a mask, and he pushed a number of inexpensive, off-patent therapies as a treatment.  Sadly, he kept people like Fauci on the payroll despite the fact that they undercut his message at every opportunity.  Eventually the crescendo of panic-spewing voices overcame his attempts at reason, and he gave in.  He went from trying to convey optimism and rationality, to endorsing Operation Warpspeed, whereby highly experimental shots would be introduced to humanity with zero testing, and zero liability for the shot pushers.  This was a recipe for disaster for humanity of course.  But it was a money bonanza of unparalleled equal for the shot manufactures who made hundreds of billions of dollars with zero risk, as they rushed unproven, untested experimental concoctions to every nation on earth.

It mattered little that most of humanity had a 99.9% chance of surviving this Chinese flu.  Everyone was told they needed the shot.  Initially, there was zero pressure to get the shot.  Millions of people rushed to get in line to be part of the experiment.  But after a few months, those that were willing to be experimented upon became few in number.  Meanwhile there were still a great number of people who said ‘No thanks’.

At that point the shot pushers changed from being nice guys offering a free shot, to something far more sinister.  They started demanding that everyone take the shot, or they risked losing their job, their freedom, their ability to travel.  Even now, hundreds of thousands of nurses and other medical professionals are refusing the clot shots.  They were “heroes” until they said “No thanks”.  Then they became expendable and were thrown into the gutter.  There is a message there which is VERY clear.  But so many still can’t see it.  Obviously, the nurses are saying “No” because they know something the masses do not.

The lockdowns that were to be two weeks to flatten the curve are currently some 20 months in, and there is no end in sight.  Australia is now every bit the national prison associated with North Korea, and other countries once free are now just a few steps behind.

It is now an open secret that this plandemic was staged and was planned for years in advance.  The “Great Reset” is at hand.  Though we don’t know exactly what that means, we know that it is sinister, anti-human, and evil beyond comprehension.

Up until a few weeks ago, there were no vaccines in the Philippines where I reside.  There were also almost no (real) Covid deaths.  No ambulances seen on the streets, no funerals, etc.  But that all changed as soon as people began lining up for their shots.  Now, there are hundreds of ambulances on the streets every day, funerals are everywhere.  The news says “Covid” but of course the ones dying are the ones who took the clot shots.

So why was this planned?  What is the end game for those who are waging war on humanity?  The monsters are clearly winning, as we speak.  A great mass of humanity are being poisoned by the millions every day.  Those that survive will be sterile and suffer from all manner of illness for the rest of their shortened lives.

I have a number of theories about why this happened and WHO is behind it.  But I’ll save my theories and conjecture for now.  The question I will leave you with is how can this slaughter of humanity be stopped?  Can it be stopped at the ballot box?  Can it be stopped via lawsuits?  Can it be stopped by giving in and complying?

I suggest to you that none of those suggestions will work.  Evil is in control, and WW3 has been launched against a humanity who largely do not realize they are in a war, and being wiped out.  

I will continue this report in Part 2 shortly.  In the meantime, whatever you do, do not let them take you and your children.  You must survive, and your children too.

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